Our services assist clients to reduce the risks to which they, and their employees, are exposed. Whatever the nature of the risks our clients face, either security, integrity or political, ARGOS Security BV can tailor an effective solution that will meet their exact requirements.
We work closely with our customers to ensure our methodology is aligned with their operational requirements. Our core capabilities are what drives the value of our services for clients.
Development of Local security Staff
ARGOS Security works closely with local security staff developing security policies and guidelines in the field. This delivers best practice services: Combining international standards with essential local insight, access and knowledge.
This will help staff prevent or mitigate security incidents in a manner that is appropriate for the customer in that particular context. Local security guidelines contain context-specific policy and procedures, and any information required to implement them.
These guidelines outline standard operating procedures which help to prevent and/or minimize insecurity and address issues such as: personal security and staff safety, site security, vehicles, movement and travel, communication, financial management, security levels and indicators and reporting incidents.
These guidelines are dynamic and continually reviewed to reflect any changes in the security situation.